Sunday, December 13, 2009

Off to battle we go

Why do I love watercolors so much?
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Marcha mesa 9!

Con el animo de aprender estructura en clase,tuvimos que tomar un dibujo,ilustracion o pintura de cualquier autor, redibujar la estructura y pasarla a un papel nuevo, para luego hacer una version "alternativa" de la imagen original.
Este es mi trabajo, las meseritas torpes de la mesa 9.
El original es de Shigeki Maeshima, tomado del libro "Japanese Comickers".
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ama de Casa

Ando cansada!! ya a estas alturas del año lo unico que quiero hacer es dedicarme a ver peliculas en casa, dormir, dibujar y salir a bailar (en ese orden).
Este es un super-rapi-disimo sketch hecho en papel de ese para secarse las manos. Suelo bocetar en la oficina en este papel, con eso si queda feo, lo tiro sin remordimientos jojo.

Dios bendiga las pijamas.
Monday, November 16, 2009

God Save the Queen

I really can't count how many hours I spent doing this, but it was sure a lot.

50 cm x 70 cm

Collage, collage and more collage.
Hoy me voy a poner sentimental con el post.
No se cuanto tiempo dure haciendo esta ilustracion, es para la universidad, supongo que la van a exponer durante la semana de la moda que comenzo hoy Lunes. Me gusto el resultado pero se que sigue siendo poco profesional, aunque soy conciente que eh mejorado bastante :).

Hoy estaba pensando, lo mucho que me gustaba recibir cartas cuando era mas niña, recibirlas y escribirlas. Me parecia tan increible imaginar que alguien se habia tomado el tiempo para escribirme a mi, que era casi un acto de magia abrir el sobre o desdoblar la hoja y encontrarme algo que era dedicado y exclusivamente hecho para mi. Cada palabra, cada intención que estaba hecha para perdurar en el tiempo por medio de tinta y papel. Marañas de sentimientos impresos manualmente para mi.
No tienen precio esas cosas no? y uno crece y se vuelve idiota, inepto, incapaz de demostrar la sencillez de esas cosas. La simpleza de una hoja dedicada. Hablar de nuestros sentimientos sin verguenza, sin pudor, sin miedo.
Recibo pequeñas cartas de mi familia cuando alguien viene para aca y me trae alguna golosina que me mandan mis padres y mi hermana. No puedo explicar lo que siento cuando leo esas notas hechas medio a la carrera con letra inconfundible. Amo y extraño recibir cartas.
Monday, November 9, 2009


La historia viene asi:
Habia una vez una camiseta blanca,hasta que se fue a la lavanderia con ropa que destiñe... La camiseta estaba practicamente nueva! me la habia puesto solo un par de veces y no daba para descartarla solo porque tenia algunas manchas de amarillo, asi que decidi experimentar un poco con texturas sobre la tela. En realidad es una idea bastante sencilla, que si hubiera tenido mas ganas seguro le hubiera puesto mas cosas o mas detalle en su defecto, pero justo hoy hable con mi hermana y me pidio que le mandara de regalo ESTA camiseta, asi que hoy saque tiempo y la termine hasta donde tenia originalmente la idea. Me gusta mucho como se ve, es probable que sea un poco pesadita por los botones etc, pero quedo bastante bien. Tengo mas ropa que no uso o que me regalaron de segunda y la voy a seguir usando para experimentar con este tipo de trabajos no necesariamente estampados, sino que requieran mas trabajo de costuras, apliques, etc.

+Marcadores para tela
+Hilo de bordar
+Lana acrilica
Saturday, October 31, 2009


Can I haz collage?
Watercolor, ink, pencil color

The last of from the set of 3 gods from the Olympus.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


More collage!, ink, colored pencils, water colors.

Illustration for College.

We had free choice of topic to make 3 illustrations. I chose 3 gods from the Olympus.

This one is Hades.

I'm using several techniques here: collage, watercolors, ink, colored pencils... It's very entertaining to be able to experiment and find what suits best when it commes to transmiting a mood or a feeling.
Sunday, October 18, 2009


Illustration for drawing workshop

We had to make an interpretation of a given God, mine was "Taranis", thunder and storm god from Wales and Britain, he was given sacrifices in order to calm his anger and tough character.

The point of this excercise was to use a colored board as a midtone, thus, we had to make all the lights and shadows leaving the color of the board between these two.
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hair 2

More ink hair-ness.

I added details with golden ink as to resolve the face/light thing in a different was as I did on Hair 1

Illustration for class at college.
We had to give focus to the hair, so I made it all with ink as to be able to add good detail.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Midnight Flor

Second try with this experiment. I noticed how this pic looks a whole lot more "controlled" and accurate, something that doesn't quite happens on "Nikei". Colors and textures seem to be more related to each other.
Sunday, October 4, 2009


I used the negavite hair paper cut from "Nikei"

Experimenting with layers on paper and textures.
All hand made.
Sunday, September 27, 2009


This picture was taken from a photograph I found on the Vogue Latinoamerica issue of August 2008 by Tim Walker. He has done some pretty impressive work for Vogue throuout many years.

I used different techniques on this one, as triying to make them all work out moslty for the clothes. This paper has such a wonderful texture that allows watercolor (with not a lot of water though) and pencil colors. The little stars and details on the blouse and shoes where made with golden ink, which is sorta lost on the scanning, but it's all nice and sparkly in real life :P
Saturday, September 26, 2009


This is a mail stamp made for class. We could work on any topic we wanted and I picked India tigers, that are sorta mistical and enchanting. Wildernes's beauty and magic.

The image is all made with ink, something I've neve done before and it took some time and thought.

I really like how it turned out.
Sunday, September 20, 2009


More experimenting with magazine paper.

I'm experimenting with textures. I used a magazine page for the background and drew/colored all the inside.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009


We had to make a composition with a woman, a man and a child for class, so I took the opportunity to portrait my own characters, which I'm very fond of.
This was all made with watercolor and pencils on a sheet of 50 cm X 70cm, so it was a real pain to scan and arrange the image properly, not to mention that there's a lot of watercolor detail missing here, none the less, I like it as it turned out.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crepé Chino

Little experiment with canvas and acrylics.
Check out the paper texture :B
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Los Hermanos Desunidos - Cover

Cover for "Los hermanos Desunidos" (The torn brothers)


I've been doing some excercises for my illustration class and we had to make a couple of pieces for a short fable called "los Hermanos Desunidos" (the torn brothers).
This is the insert illustration
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Meet Sabrina.
Saturday, August 1, 2009



There is this strange pleasure in being carefree when using color.

Quickie :P
Sunday, July 26, 2009


Started out as a sketch but ended up like THIS

By now, I'm sure you've already noticed I'm not very creative with picture names :P

No comments :P

Doodle at College (not during class though :P)

Pencil and markers

No, they are NOT the same person.
This started out as a doodle at work

This pic had a rather strange birth. It started out as a commision from an old high school friend who wanted an illustration of her boyfriend and her. When I finished it, I realized how ugly the guy was... so I ended up cutting the image and leaving the part that I actually liked.

I'm re-loading this blog, thus, I'll start to upload some "not-so-very-old-but-still-good" things, as I manage to keep this thing updated.
Here goes one of my favs. Black cherry (Yes, like the goldfrapp song).
Ink on paper