Thursday, November 25, 2010


Monday, November 22, 2010


Long time, no see!

Just in case, reference photograph at
Sunday, May 23, 2010


Nuevo header!!
Celebremos con un lindo post :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010


Nada seriop.
Ensayando la tablet nuevap :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Selva, madre natura

Chop chop!!!!!
Voy a aplicar para ESTE concurso de la revista Marie Claire y estuve casi 2 semanas pensando y haciendo esta ilustración:

Cuando la terminé, me di cuenta que en realidad no me gustaba tanto... tenia demasiado color y detalle para ser una ilustración de moda... además sabia que habia cometido varios errores al colorear...desastre. Tengo que confesar que tuve que replantearme el hecho de presentarme al concurso hasta que un dia me levante por la mañana a bocetar...

Y hoy, en 1 solo dia saque esto:

Cambió sustancialmente la compocisión y el hecho de que agregué las cabecitas de animales como un "fino detalle de coqueteria".

Me parece que ESTO funciona mucho mas que la idea anterior, es mas claro, fresco y sigue transmitiendo la idea de selva. Como tema, compocisión, paleta y forma me parece que pega mucho más.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chess estravaganza

It's been some time folks!! Vacations were great and started working on uni final exams as soon as I got back from Bariloche, so here's a quick preview of everything that I've been working on for the last month. I began to use watercolor masking fluid,which is tricky at first(and smells like hell), but it's been of great help and I feel like ideas are more easy to put on paper now that before.I tried to make these works as detailed as possible, so comments are more than welcomed :D
This is all mostly watercolors and color pencils, no fancy paper cuts or anything since I'm replacing that with the watercolor mask. (FYI I began using paper cuts because it was the easiest and more tidy way to get the results I wanted)